Researchers found that omega-3 fatty acid supplements are ineffective

Researchers have determined that omega-3 fatty acid supplements are ineffective

Increased fat consumptionow omega-3s are widely promoted around the world because of the widespread belief that they protect against heart disease and stroke mozgu. But new research published in the Cochrane Library suggests that consuming a supplementoin acidoIn omega-3, there are little or no health benefits.

Small amounts of acidoin omega-3 fats are essential for good health and can be found in foods, primarily fish and seafood, canola and flaxseed oil or walnuts.

Scientists evaluated 79 studies involving 112,059 osob on the health benefits of taking supplementsow acidoIn omega-3s and found that they cause "little or no rodifference" For the health of those taking them osob. These studies involved bothoBoth men and women, healthy and sick American PoNorth, Europe, Australia and Asia.

Some were assigned to take additional amounts of fatoin omega-3, others to maintain their usual omega-3 intake. Participants pledged to follow the recommendations of the researchersow for at least a year. They were then evaluated for diseasesob heart and diseasedob circulation.

The results showed no significant ro¿nica in the frequency of deathow participantoin the study. This indicator in osob taking additional amounts of acidoin omega-3s will resultosalt 8.8 percent. In those whooers were expected to maintain normal eating habits resulting inoff 9 percent. There was no roalso a significant rożnice in the rate of heart attacksoin the heart and strokeow mozgu.

Lee Hooper of the University of East Anglia, whoora led the study admitted that there is little evidenceow that acid supplementsoin omega-3 are beneficial for the heart or reduce the risk of death from any cause. It stressed the roalso found that it is much better to include oily fish in your diet than supplements, as they contain not only omega-3 fatty acids.

– Fish and seafood contain selenium, iron and vitamin D. All of these ingredients are useful nutrients – Hooper said in an interview with „The Times”.

The only positive effect, whooers, the researchers noted, was associated with acid α-linolenic acid (ALA) group of acidoin omega-3 fatty. Analysis of the study found that consuming extra ALA may reduce the risk of heart disorders from 3.3 percent. up to a 2.6 percent. However, the teamoThe reviewing researchers estimated that this effect is very small.

Research on omega-3 fatty acids is part of a growing body of evidenceow indicating that taking supplementsoIn vitamin and ingredientoin minerals carry no or negligible health benefits. Recently, researchers reviewed existing data and studies published between the beginning of 2012 and last October on the use of the most popular supplementsoin vitamins. Their analysis showed that multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin C – the most common supplements – do not provide any health benefits.

Experts stress that nothing can replace a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fish and whole grains, where most of the necessary vitamins and mineralsow occurs naturally. For more on this topic, see Most supplementsow vitamins and mineralsoineffective.

– The results of our review contradict the common belief that acid supplementsow omega-3s protect the heart, but we are confident of these resultsow. The review included information from many thousands of waspsob, whichore followed the recommendations of scientistsoin conducting the research for a long time. Despite all this information, we did not notice an effectoin protective – Hooper emphasized.

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